So if previous blog you are fine in a data structure issues, maybe now you have to look at it again. Because your blog will certainly have a considerable error in part BlogPosting. The error originated from the property Image, Publisher, DateModified, and MainEntityOfPage.
If you are experiencing this blog, please follow the steps below to resolve it.
Overcoming error on Image, Publisher and MainEntityOfPage
1. Please find code similar to the following code.
2. Then copy and place the following code under the code above.
Change URL BLOG YOUR LOGO with the URL of your blog logo.
Overcoming Error on DateModified
1. Please find the code that is similar to the code below.
2. Then add DateModified on itemprop so that it becomes like this.
Give space / spaces between DatePublished and DateModified
A few tricks to overcome Error Image, Publisher, DateModified, and MainEntityOfPage on blog data structures that were affected by the update Structured Data Testing Tool. after using this trick blog I already have another error in the data structure.
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